school rules and regulations中文什么意思

发音:   用"school rules and regulations"造句
  • school:    n. (鱼、鲸等水族动物的)群;队。 ...
  • rule:    n. 1.规则,规定;法则,定律;章 ...
  • regulation:    n. 1.规则,规程,规章,条例。 ...
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  1. Is absolutely a top classic in the u . k . film history . the film ridicules schools inhuman treatments of their students by depicting the unreasonable school rules and regulations
    对传统英国教育制度讽刺深刻尖锐的电影,安德逊的《假如… 》绝对是英国电影史上数一数二的经典作。
  2. The writer made the following proposals and suggestions to the existing problems : 1 enhance the leadership to organization of campus culture construction ; 2 deeply understand the inside meaning of the campus culture and continuing stressing on " 3 - styles " building - up ; 3 emphasize features of the schools in campus culture construction ; 4 promote as a whole and deeply carry out the construction for a long time ; 5 practice various colorful activities ; 6 utilize all possible means to update schools " facilities and equipment ; 7 perfect and innovating various school rules and regulations
    针对存在的问题,笔者提出如下对策和建议: 1 、加强对校园文化的组织领导; 2 、深刻理解校园文化的内涵,继续抓好“三风”建设; 3 、校园文化建设要突出学校特色; 4 、整体推进,深入持久地搞好校园文化建设; 5 、开展丰富多彩的各种活动; 6 、多方争取,进行学校硬件建设; 7 、进一步完善学校各项制度,进行制度创新。


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